The desire to frame a few of my instant pictures properly, I've been carrying around for a while. Thanks to Corona is just time also simply times to tackle a few not so important things, so I have made myself again on the search for frames.

It's no secret that Fujifilm have created a real hype with their Instax instant photos. Unlike us photographers, however, most Instax fans tend to use the Mini's. Because they are handier, smaller and cheaper. Which leads to the fact that there is a large offer of collectible notebooks, frames and other collectibles for Instax Mini instant pictures on the Internet. However, I shoot exclusively on the Wide variant, because the larger Instax are simply better for me.

With some research I became aware of the Edition Argentum by Marc Stache. About his store sells the Berlin photo art editions and just also archives and presentation products. For example frames.

Photo frame for instant pictures like Instax

So I simply called him a few days ago and asked if there was something comparable for the Instax Wide. And indeed, Marc made it possible. The products should also soon finally come into the store, even if they are not there just yet. Yesterday the frames arrived at my place and of course I used the time immediately and framed my previously from the archive searched instant pictures. A few Polaroids and a few Instax Wide.

The results are awesome. It's rare that I can still get really excited about little things, but in this case it was really great fun to finally see the instant photos that otherwise gather dust in the archive in a worthy use. Depending on the design, the frames cost between 20 and 50 euros. With museum glass, that's what I chose. A pretty fair price in my eyes.

An absolute recommendation

But what use are all my words without pictures. I have the four frames times photographed, with motive, so you can make yourself a picture. By the way, now I am actually ready to part with my unique pieces with a clear conscience. If you are looking for photo art, you can visit the store of Chips & Champagner. Maybe you will find something.

These will definitely not be the last frames I will order from Edition Argentum thanks to the matching mounts. I'm a little annoyed that I didn't choose a larger frame for the individual instant pictures, which would give the Instax or Polaroid a little more space, but I'll tackle that next.